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Canada's Global SDG commitment - Part 2

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Fixing The Global Economy Through World Federalism

May 9, 2023, 10:21:00 AM5/9/23
to Fixing The Global Economy Through World Federalism

Tidying up thoughts that have escaped the Google Group, see Peter’s point, followed by response from Rose Dyson.

Peter's Opening Thought:

WFMC should be saying to the Federal and Provincial governments that WFMC endorses the United Nations Secretary-General’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as listed in Chapter II of his 2021 Common Agenda report entitled “We the People: a renewed social contract anchored in human rights”. 

This report is the product of extensive UN consultations and discussions with civil societies and citizens around the world including of course Canada.  These should be actively reviewed and debated in the House of Commons and all Provincial and Territorial Legislatures with the view to adopting similar goals or variants thereof deemed suitable for the citizenry.  To this end  WFMC commends to the Federal and all Provincial Governments the attached “Annotated Guide to We the Peoples” that explains some of it underlying assumptions and implications.  These are based on our analysis of Mark Carney’s 2021 book Value(s): Building a Better World for All ,  the last chapter of which is titled  “How Canada Can Build Value for All”.  As you will know, Mark Carney is a former Governor of the Bank of Canada as well as the United Nations’ Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance.

Rose Dyson’s Response:

This is a very impressive review of what needs to be done to achieve the objectives of the SDGs. That is with, in my view, one exception. I would like to see more emphasis on the role of media in all of this. I had one American colleague who was for a time director of the American Association for Media Literacy. He used to begin his presentations at conferences with the phrase "Change the MEDIA and you Change the WORLD". i STILL THINK THAT IS TRUE.  

We can wring our hands about rising populism, war mongering, violence creep in society, lack of attention to the Climate Crisis, frivolous distractions away from critical issues and one has to point to the media.  That is what Noam Chomsky's book MANUFACTURING CONSENT was all about. Hopefully, it is not too late as we now live in an era where Consent is very difficult to even try to manufacture.  The internet and social  media have led to polarization of society, and diversity with increasing evidence of the manufacturing of alternative facts. Fragmentation of social cohesiveness is what the internet has given us along with its more positive contributions.

I would be happy to give a talk on a review of the last several decades and how we got to this juncture. That is, on how we have allowed the unravelling of our previous social contract. I t could help to focus more attention on some potential solutions involving communications along with appropriate information and education for the purpose of achieving these renewed SDGs. That is what my scholarship for the  past 3 decades has been about and what I discuss in my last two books.


We the Peoples notes.docx

Fixing The Global Economy Through World Federalism

May 24, 2023, 8:38:59 AM5/24/23
to Fixing The Global Economy Through World Federalism
This seems profound, and something WFM-Canada should push in the name of improving global governance, by example. 

But I am having trouble engaging with your thoughts that refer first to the SDGs, then Our Common Agenda, then We The Peoples and then Mark Carney's book. 

Please highlight an example of what just one of the SDGs calls Canada to do within its territories. Then I can start to get my mind around looking at the rest and your material.

John Cowan

May 25, 2023, 9:41:46 AM5/25/23
to Fixing The Global Economy Through World Federalism

Hi John,

I am buried with CPRA presentations until June 4 , 2023.  I will try to get back to you then.



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