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Global Green Deal

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Jun 2, 2023, 7:43:04 AM6/2/23
to Fixing The Global Economy Through World Federalism
From the WFM-IGP news bulletin:

14th June, 3:00 PM (UTC) Join a discussion on the topics "Global Monetary Governance: Adjustment or Reform of the International Monetary System?" and "The Supranational Monetary-financial Governance for the Global Green Deal". According to Dr. Guido Montani, the Global Green Deal is a political goal and the “Union of Federalists” (UEF-WFM) is a necessary instrument in the process, and this UEF-WFM meeting is an important occasion to find a common policy between European and World federalists.

John Cowan

Norbert D'Costa

Jun 2, 2023, 12:30:57 PM6/2/23
to John, Fixing The Global Economy Through World Federalism
Thanks John.  This should be a good one to attend.

Best Regards,

Norbert D'Costa
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity & Equal Opportunity for Everybody, Everywhere.
Democracy Without Borders.

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