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Laura Turco

Mar 13, 2008, 3:56:30 PM3/13/08
How does everyone suppose their commodities are going to come from the west coast?
Truck drivers are paying over $4 a gallon for fuel. Do you really think they can idle their trucks and wait out your stupid ski traffic?
If you force trucks to drive in one lane what happens when one truck spins out? are the rest supposed to park behind him and wait for the next wrecker?
As a native to Colorado I think we should give winter driving lessons to everyone who applies for a Colorado license.
How about all the skiers taking the bus. This is a leisure thing for them. Don't infringe a toll on truck drivers that they can't afford.  If fuel goes up even another .20 there are going to be some very expensive loaves of bread out there and no trucks to haul it, because they all went belly up!  
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