Mass Transportation Is The Answer

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Young, J. P. [DENTK]

Mar 17, 2008, 3:16:23 PM3/17/08

Thanks for being concerned about the problem and taking steps to address it. Also, thanks for making input easy via the internet. Enabling constituents a voice regarding current issues is a great concept that enhances representative government. I hope it spreads.


Think globally (see the big picture). Investigate solutions that have been implemented in other parts of the world, especially Europe and Asia. Tolls are a repressive burden on those who have already paid taxes for highway construction and maintenance. Restricting commercial vehicles from travel on highways at certain times unfairly inconveniences a particular segment of society, and adds to confusion, traffic jams, and ill will. The focus needs to move away from punishing people whether they want to enjoy the Colorado lifestyle or simply make a living. Instead, we should encourage more commercial and recreational travel to and through the mountains which helps keep the Colorado economy robust (by the way, the State spends money advertising our resources).


The simplistic identification of the problem is, too many private vehicles on the same stretch of road at he same time. The simplistic responsibility of government is to provide infrastructure that, in this case, encourages people to use an alternative method of travel. The solutions (short- and long-term) involve mass transportation. Even if it were possible to add more and more traffic lanes, the inexorable growth of traffic going forward negates that solution. Instead, use the tools we have on hand.


People will gladly leave their cars and use mass transportation if is is equivalent in cost and more convenient for them to do so than otherwise. Suggestions:

  • Develop skier park-and-ride lots on Denver’s west side (such as the ones at the Morrison road cut) from which busses would leave every 20-30 minutes to designated ski resorts. A regularly scheduled bus route would transport skiers to and from resorts throughout the day.
  • Fast track light rail extension to connect Denver with DIA so that those arriving by plane, as well as those who live on the Front Range, can access the system.
  • Ski resorts and their municipalities need to provide shuttle service within their towns, reducing the need for vacationers to have cars once they have arrived at destination.
  • Rental cars should be available and affordable on site in mountain towns for use while there.
  • Parking at the resorts should be very expensive to discourage personal vehicles. Part of the money generated from parking should be earmarked to fund mass transportation.
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