Downfalls of I-70 bill and some solutions

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Mar 13, 2008, 3:29:05 PM3/13/08
Mr. Romer and  other Colorado legislature members,
I have a big problem with the writ of this bill, and I'm not sure these people complainging have even read it!  Does it not bother anyone else that we will be building parking lots in our beautiful Rocky Mountains?  Does it not disturb other Coloradans that the tolls they pay will be to benefit skiers only, even if they live in the mountains and pay the toll to buy things in Denver?  Has anybody thought
of the commercial repercussions of this bill?
We have enough structures in the mountains as it is, we do not need more land cleared for parking lots.  We already destroyed the historical integrity of Denver by leveling old buildings for parking lots, now we are supposed to interfere with the natural integrity of the Rocky Mountains?!?
Not only Skiers would be paying the toll but also people that live in the mountains, families of mountain residents, hunters, and many others who use I-70 a little more sparingly than skiers.  So why should all of these other commuters pay for busing to ski resorts?  Is that really fair?  Can we ethically charge a toll to a mountian family with a medical emergency or to buy food?  It is not fair to treat the mountian communities in this way.
Lastly, what of the commerciality of I-70 besides the ski industry?  Many companies will bypass Colorado in favor of Wyoming or another state to avoid lay ups and delays for a weekend.  And when they stop shipping through Colorado how long before some Coloradans are out of work who cater to these truckers that flow through our state?  How long until businesses leave to a state where their supplies, equipment, product, etc. are not delayed or more costly?
All in all as this bill is now written itt is horrible.  We are looking for a quick, easy, cheap solution to something that is long, complex, and costly.  If you, Mr. Romer, are suggesting that ski traffic is the problem, then why punish all Coloradans?  Add a charge or tax to lift tickets at ski resorts that way only the problematic party is punished.  Or make exemptions for mountain families when traveling on I-70.  Or do the most costly and build a brand new toll road so it is fair to all.
Scotty Day
Littleton, Colorado
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