Fix major concerns before you worry about I-70

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Joe Hildebrand

Mar 12, 2008, 9:58:33 PM3/12/08

Dear Chris Romer:


I get the idea that you are trying to force a square peg through a round hole. After your first proposal to “fix” I-70, the people of our great state spoke and told you to let it be! Yet you continue to force the issue. I would remind you that you are there by the people and for the people. I highly doubt your delegates are constantly hounding you to “fix” I-70.


Are you bored? Have you nothing better to do with your time than fixate onI-70? Are there not more pressing needs that need to be addressed by our state senators?


Look, the fact of the matter is, there are plenty of roads that need repair, re-configured, widened, or addressed in some fashion. I-70 is in generally good condition. It gets jammed during ski season. So what! Unfortunately, skiing is one of the last (barely) affordable activities in CO. Your proposals threaten that. Not to mention your ideas represent double taxation in many ways. We pay taxes on our cars, our tires when we replace them, we pay taxes for road re-pair and maintenance, etc… Now your plan proposes that we pay even more! Smart growth and other issues brought before the state legislature years ago could have helped this. Furthermore, the people specifically approved putting a measure on the ballot that would allow for a high speed train. That issue was later de-railed (forgive the pun) against our wishes and never even made the ballot!


Taxpayers in the last couple of years have provided for the legislature to work with. If you cannot find more pressing concerns to focus on maybe you can press the flesh in district 32. I am sure your delegates will give you plenty of good ideas. Good Luck!



It’s A Good Life,

Joe Hildebrand
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