FIX8 tag, value from FieldBase class

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Apr 3, 2017, 3:05:51 AM4/3/17
to fix8 support

I am facing a problem getting the value for the tags in my FIX message.
I am making a generic fix8 server to cater multiple FIX8 client For Eg: 1st User can have 55 tag as symbol, while 2nd user can have any custom tag 9001 as symbol.

Problem is: In a particular message(say NewOrderSingle) fields can differ according to the configuration provided by the user.
But I have a single fix8 server to tackle and serve all flavours of that particular message. To handle the message tags, I have mapped the message tags to different users.

To decode the message, I can not use the get<data_type, tag_no>() method of MessageBase Class because during compile time I don't know what tag no will be received in the incoming FIX message. This info is known to me at run time only.

I tried to decode the message using some diff method.
I tried to get all the fields present in the message and iterate over them getting their tags and values. I am using fields_begin() and fields_end() methods of Message Base class to get iterator of Fields(std::map<unsigned short, FieldBase*>).
How can I get value of a particular field by FieldBase class object.

Kindly suggest some method to do the same.

Bhavuk Samrat


Apr 14, 2017, 3:40:22 AM4/14/17
to fix8 support
It is possible to do this. Contact Fix8MT for more info.
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