FITS 1.4.0 and FITS Service 1.2.0 Released

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Nov 7, 2018, 12:48:44 PM11/7/18
to fits-users

We are pleased to announce a new release of both FITS and FITS Service web application.

The FITS release contains update to the following tools contained within FITS: DROID 6.4, Tika 1.19.1, and Exiftool 11.14. There have been updates to XSL transformations corresponding to these tools' output into FITS metadata to accommodate some (but not all) of the additional metadata provided by these tools. MP3 files are now excluded from processing by JHOVE by default. This can be modified in the fits.xml configuration file. There have also been other minor tweaks and bug fixes.

The FITS Service project -- a Java web application -- contains a few bug fixes and a new, optional request parameter to turn off returning standard metadata schema output contained within the FITS metadata element. See the FITS Service project on GitHub for more details. The significant change in this project is that it is now built using Maven rather than Ant. However, this should have no bearing on end users.

This latest source code is available on GitHub here. The downloads page provides executable code and JavaDocs.

Please let us know if you run into any issues or have any suggestions. And thank you for using FITS.

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