Attempting to run FITS via a batch file on an external drive

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Aug 30, 2018, 1:52:47 PM8/30/18
to fits-users
Hi everyone,

I'll apologize in advance because I am not a programmer, so my explanation of what's going on may be a little fuzzy.

We have a workflow for some of our digital preservation tasks that involves running FITS on a series of directories of files. We have a series of windows batch files to automate this, and everything works well as long as the process takes place on the local drive of a machine (FITS is on the path in this scenario). However, when you attempt to run the process on an external drive, you get the "Error: Could not find or load main class edu.harvard.hul.ois.fits.Fits" error. Any suggestions as to how to make this work on an external drive? We've got tons of stuff to get through, and working off C exclusively is just not practical. Here is the batch file I'm using:

@ECHO off

ECHO Creating metadata subfolders

FOR /D %%g IN ("*") do mkdir %%g\metadata-working

ECHO Metadata subfolders created!

ECHO Running FITS on files in "objects" subfolders

FOR /D %%g IN ("*") do fits.bat -r -i  %~dp0%%g\objects -o  %~dp0%%g\metadata-working

Thanks very much for any suggestions!


Mary Willoughby

Digital Conversion and Curation Librarian

Digital Library of Georgia

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