Ignore my last two posts.

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읽지 않음,
2008. 12. 10. 오후 10:31:4808. 12. 10.
받는사람 firestats-users
I figured it out. I had to create an entry for my site. Since it was
the 1st one the default siteID of 1 matched up.

This is SWEET.

Proboaly not something the average user could figure out but AWESOME
if you are comfortable with FTP, setting up, well creating at least,
MySQL DB's, and poking around in Joomla...

Omry Yadan

읽지 않음,
2008. 12. 11. 오후 3:39:1108. 12. 11.
받는사람 firesta...@googlegroups.com
looks like you figured it out on your own.
did you even look at the Joomla installation instructions?


The first step is to Install FireStats as standalone, and it contains
instructions on how to do that.
it also suggest to add a site.
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