All Lights Green for 119 - These Weeks in Firefox: Issue 145

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Mike Conley

Oct 2, 2023, 1:08:35 PM10/2/23
to Firefox Dev
Hi all!

The Firefox Desktop team met the week before last to discuss and pool notes on the latesting happenings in the Firefox Desktop codebase. A few of us stuck around after the meeting to turn those notes into something a bit more digestible and easier to read. Enjoy!

Special thanks to Niklas Baumgardner and Katherine Patenio who put these notes together iwth me.


Friends of the Firefox team

Resolved bugs (excluding employees)

Volunteers that fixed more than one bug

  • Masatoshi Kimura [:emk] 

  • Sebastian Zartner [:sebo] 

  • Zac Svoboda :zacnomore

New contributors (🌟 = first patch)

Project Updates

Add-ons / Web Extensions

WebExtensions Framework
  • In Bug 1851373, we fixed a regression (Bug 1830767) related to event pages being terminated while still running. This is a short-term workaround that we also uplifted to both Beta and Release. The longer term fix is now tracked by Bug 1844041.

WebExtension APIs
  • Fixed a bug that was making the scripting API method getRegisteredContentScripts to be returning scripts registered using the contentScripts API by the same extension - Bug 1851173.

    • NOTE: only manifest_version 2 extensions may have been able to hit this bug, and only if they are using both APIs (e.g. as part of transitioning to scripting API from contentScripts API but keeping the use of the contentScripts API for cases where the scripting API couldn’t be still used for). We don’t expect this bug to have been hit that often.

  • As part of migrating WebCompat built-in to the scripting API, we ran into Bug 1853409 because the scripting API matchAboutBlank is unconditionally set internally and we do not expose it in the API (See Bug 1853013 comment 6). As a short term workaround, we agreed with the WebCompat team to special-case the WebCompat extension ID in Bug 1853412 until the underlying Bug 1853409 has been fixed.

Developer Tools

  • Contributors

    • Sebastian Zartner (:sebo) added inactive CSS warnings for ignored properties on

      • ::placeholder pseudo-elements (bug)

      • ::first-letter pseudo-elements (bug)

      • ::cue pseudo-elements (bug)

    • Zac Svoboda (:zacnomore) made a lot of contributions in the last 2 weeks

      • Switch to Data view when JSON is broken (bug)

      • Fixed color contrast for Layout flexbox highlight toggle (bug)

      • Tweaked spacing on compatibility panel elements (bug)

      • Fixed a typo in a property name (bug)

    • LyScott123 made wrapped primitive value visible in console/debugger (bug)

      • [Screenshot]
        • Caption: The DevTools Console is shown with the following code executed: `Object(123)`.
    • krishna.ravi732 fixed a bug in top-level await console evaluation and for loops (bug)

  • Arai added column source notes to binary operator and function call arguments so the debugger can underline the right expression for Uncaught TypeError (bug)

  • Alex improved the debugger performance (e.g. opening a big file is 20% faster) keeping data in a worker and then querying the worker, instead of transfering the data from the worker to the main thread (bug, bug)

  • Bomsy fixed an issue that would lead to debugger crashes (bug)

  • Nicolas made the Computed panel show custom properties value (bug)

    • [Screenshot]
      • Caption: The DevTools style rules pane is shown, with the "computed"panel next to it. The style rules pane shows a single rule for a CSS variable that is a calculation using a number of other variables whose values aren't shown. In the computed pane, that same calculation is shown, but with the variables replaced with their underlying values.
  • Nicolas made the Rule view refresh when a stylesheet is added to the page (bug)

WebDriver BiDi
  • Sasha implemented the script.realmDestroyed event which lets clients know when the realm is not available anymore for script evaluation (bug)

  • Sasha implemented the browsingContext.userPromptClosed event (bug)

  • Henrik implemented the browsingContext.reload, which provides a simple API to reload a given browsing context (bug)

  • Julian updated our vendored version of puppeteer to v21.2.0, with almost 100 new tests passing with the BiDi implementation (close to the 50% mark, see ) (bug)

ESMification status

  • ESMified status:

    • browser: 86%

    • toolkit: 99%

    • Total:  95.55%

  • #esmification on Matrix

Lint, Docs and Workflow

  • The ESLint rule react-hooks/exhaustive-deps will now raise errors rather than warnings. The previous warnings for this rule have been fixed.

  • Additionally, all the rules enabled in devtools/client/debugger will now all raise errors rather than warnings.

  • With some other improvements, we're now down to about 13 ESLint warnings left in mozilla-central.

  • This all helps to ensure that we're fixing issues where we intend for them to be fixed. It also means that using warnings as part of a roll-out mechanism will help highlight that the warnings are something that we need to fix.

Migration Improvements

  • Improvements importing when Firefox is installed as a Snap

  • We’re doing a small experiment to see if adding some adorable illustrations to the device migration wizard improves the number of people going through it.

    • [Screenshot]
      • Caption: The second step of the device migration wizard on SUMO. It instructs the user on how to configure Firefox so that it's syncing data via a Firefox Account. In the bottom right-hand corner of the wizard is an adorable cartoon fox peeking out from behind a set of boxes.
    • [Screenshot]
      • Caption: The third step of the device migration wizard on SUMO. It instructs the user on how to download Firefox on their new computer by following a special URL. In the bottom right-hand corner of the wizard is an adorable cartoon fox jumping out of a set of boxes.

New Tab Page

Search and Navigation

Storybook/Reusable Components

Below the fold

This information, including all of the previous updates, are fully available in this doc:

Also note that I'm really just synthesizing and humanizing the stuff that's on the Wiki, which is freely available from here:, so check that out if you want the source material. It'll also be posted (minus the Below the Fold stuff) to the Nightly blog.

Finally, if there's a Firefox-ish team that you feel isn't being represented here, please let them know about the above meeting so we can get their updates.

Keep on rockin' the free web,


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