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how to remove a cockroach from the right corner of browser?

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Apr 23, 2008, 8:56:10 AM4/23/08
to Firebug
how to remove a cockroach from the right corner of browser?

John J Barton

Apr 23, 2008, 11:37:12 AM4/23/08
to Firebug


Apr 23, 2008, 4:54:47 PM4/23/08
to Firebug
No! I want to only change this icon


Apr 23, 2008, 6:29:46 PM4/23/08
to Firebug
You can only remove it by unistalling Firebug.


Apr 24, 2008, 5:26:52 PM4/24/08
to Firebug
Can you tell us why you don't want to see the cockroach?


Apr 25, 2008, 7:41:48 AM4/25/08
to Firebug
I am and not amateur of cockroaches, they are opposite - help to show
out them


May 21, 2008, 9:16:02 AM5/21/08
to Firebug
I've the same problem... my webdesigner hates insects, so she doesn't
want to use firebug.


Julien Wajsberg

May 21, 2008, 9:18:16 AM5/21/08
well, I guess you can change the image in the xpi of Firebug (it's just a zip)

2008/5/21 batdevis <>:

Tom Cloyd

May 21, 2008, 6:15:38 PM5/21/08
First of all, that's clearly not a cockroach, if you know what a firebug
looks like. Jeez.
Secondly, as a psychotherapist (who programs for the love of it - which
makes me a true amateur), I would not attempt to fight the near
universal phobia women have about creepy-crawly things. There is some
pretty good evidence that this is hardwired, and it certainly IS
resistant to treatment, whereas most other phobias are NOT. It likely
has to do with avoidance of crawling things which in tropical
environments are too often poisonous and therefore likely baby-killers.
Evolution favors women who are insect phobic in such environments.

Still, I confess, that I'm biting my tongue. I want to advise these gals
to please simply grow up and get on with the work, for Pete's sake. I
don't, however, advise taking that tack! I doubt that it would be effective.

Maybe you can put a bit of opaque tape on the screen where the
"fire-roach" tends to appear. Sometimes humor will solve problems which
resist all other approaches!

Crawl on...


Julien Wajsberg wrote:
> well, I guess you can change the image in the xpi of Firebug (it's
> just a zip)

> 2008/5/21 batdevis < <>>:

> I've the same problem... my webdesigner hates insects, so she doesn't
> want to use firebug.
> Devis_

> On 25 Apr, 13:41, kiev1 < <>>

> wrote:
> > I am and not amateur of cockroaches, they are opposite - help to
> show
> > out them
> >


Tom Cloyd, MS MA, LMHC
Private practice Psychotherapist
Bellingham, Washington, U.S.A: (360) 920-1226
<< >> (email)
<< >> (website & psychotherapy weblog)
<< >> (mental health issues weblog)
<< >> (web site design & consultation)


Jun 23, 2008, 4:15:47 PM6/23/08
to Firebug
i, too, dislike the bug icon that is *always* there. i know, it's
irrational :) but it bothers me enough that i am going to have to do
something about it. i am probably going to hack the XPI to change it
to a cuter bug--or, more likely, a neutral shape of some sort.

apologies for resurrecting an old thread, but i just installed 1.2beta


On May 21, 6:15 pm, Tom Cloyd <> wrote:
> First of all, that's clearly not a cockroach, if you know what a firebug
> looks like. Jeez.
> Secondly, as a psychotherapist (who programs for the love of it - which
> makes me a true amateur), I would not attempt to fight the near
> universal phobia women have aboutcreepy-crawly things. There is some
> pretty good evidence that this is hardwired, and it certainly IS
> resistant to treatment, whereas most other phobias are NOT. It likely
> has to do with avoidance of crawling things which in tropical
> environments are too often poisonous and therefore likely baby-killers.
> Evolution favors women who are insect phobic in such environments.
> Still, I confess, that I'm biting my tongue. I want to advise these gals
> to please simply grow up and get on with the work, for Pete's sake. I
> don't, however, advise taking that tack! I doubt that it would be effective.
> Maybe you can put a bit of opaque tape on the screen where the
> "fire-roach" tends to appear. Sometimes humor will solve problems which
> resist all other approaches!
> Crawl on...
> t.
> Julien Wajsberg wrote:
> > well, I guess you can change the image in the xpi of Firebug (it's
> > just a zip)
> > 2008/5/21 batdevis < <>>:

Bruno Alexandre

Jun 24, 2008, 10:42:09 AM6/24/08
to Firebug
It's quite easy.

1. open firebug1.0-current.xpi with WinRar (
2. go to the folder \chrome\icons\default
3. delete the firebug.ico
4. paste a new firebug.ico ( the default icon is an ico file
containing 2 icon, 16x16 and 32x32 both with 32bit color depth)
5. install the new XPI


plenty of icons to choose from here:

Marjorie Roswell

Jun 24, 2008, 2:53:45 PM6/24/08
Thanks for the detailed steps.

Looks helpful, but I'm not sure what you mean by this step.
"install the new XPI"

1. I miss the old green/red button.
2. I especially miss its spot on the right. Any way to move it?

I think I'm going to get into the habit of pressing F12. Can't stand
looking for that hard-to-see bug, a little more than 2/3rds of the way


Bruno Alexandre

Jun 24, 2008, 2:11:31 PM6/24/08
to Firebug
Just as an add-on

the icon in the 1.2 version is located in:


remember to use "Save link as..." so FF does not open and install the

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