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Error Code: 335544721

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coundray julienne

Jun 11, 2024, 4:56:09 AM6/11/24
to firebird-support
Hi can anyone assit me with resoving the  Error Code: 335544721, we have an accounting software that runs with firebird but lately the client users connot run the software because it is showing Error netwok Firebird  Error Code: 335544721   

Tomasz Tyrakowski

Jun 11, 2024, 4:59:31 AM6/11/24
On 11.06.2024 at 10:00, coundray julienne wrote:
> Hi can anyone assit me with resoving the *Error Code:* 335544721, we have
> an accounting software that runs with firebird but lately the client users
> connot run the software because it is showing Error netwok Firebird *Error
> Code:* 335544721

According to Firebird header files:

#define isc_network_error 335544721L

So it would seem there's a general networking issue.


Mark Rotteveel

Jun 11, 2024, 5:08:32 AM6/11/24
On 11/06/2024 10:00, coundray julienne wrote:
> Hi can anyone assit me with resoving the *Error Code:* 335544721, we
> have an accounting software that runs with firebird but lately the
> client users connot run the software because it is showing Error netwok
> Firebird *Error Code:* 335544721

That error is

335544721=Unable to complete network request to host "%s".

Which generally means that you're trying to connect to the wrong host
name or port, or Firebird is not running, or is blocked by a firewall.

It can also occur in other situations, but not being able to establish a
network connection at all is - as far as I know - the most common.

In other words:

- Check the configuration of the application to see which host/IP
address and port it uses to connect
- Check if Firebird is configured for the expected IP address (setting
RemoteBindAddress should either be empty to bind to all IP addresses of
the server, or contain a specific address)
- Check if Firebird is configured for the expected port (setting
RemoteServicePort, default is 3050)
- Check if the Firebird server is actually running
- Check if the Firebird server is actually listening on the expected
port (e.g. on Windows with `netstat -ano`)
- Check the firewall configuration to see if it allows access to the
Firebird process
- Test connecting from the client to the server host/IP address and port
using - for example - telnet

Mark Rotteveel

coundray julienne

Jul 3, 2024, 2:32:21 AM7/3/24
Dear Team

Thank you very much for the reply, all sorted, Microsoft included a new update that caused this issues, we have to create an exception port rule  on port 3050 on the firewall

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