Unable to complete network request to host "localhost". [SQLState:08006, ISC error code:335544721]

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Tomasz Dubiel

Sep 21, 2021, 11:03:35 AM9/21/21
to firebird-support

Please tell me which permissions on Linux server and on which directories should be set so external Firebird 2.5 connections can be accepted.
Some time ago I restricted permissions for some directories on server and now external connections are rejected.
Thanks for help.

Tomasz Tyrakowski

Sep 21, 2021, 11:15:40 AM9/21/21
to firebird...@googlegroups.com
I always set it up so that the firebird installation directory (and all
its contents), which is /opt/firebird by default, is owned by the user
firebird, together with the actual database files (which are located
wherever you decided to put them). You also have to make sure all
directories in the path leading to a database file are either owned by
firebird, or they've got at least 'x' permission for all users (x for
That's always been sufficient in my setups.



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Tomasz Dubiel

Sep 21, 2021, 11:17:49 AM9/21/21
to firebird-support
Yeah, I took away x right for others for /opt - that's the reason. Topic closed.

Mark Rotteveel

Sep 21, 2021, 5:14:48 PM9/21/21
to firebird...@googlegroups.com
In general the "Unable to complete network request to host" error is
returned when Firebird is not listening on port 3050 of the host/IP
address used to connect, though Jaybird - which you seem to be using -
may throw an exception with this error in some other situations.

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