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Internal error when using clumplet API: attempt to store 264 bytes in a clumplet with maximum size 255 bytes

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A. Maier

Jul 7, 2024, 3:51:54 PM7/7/24
to firebird-support
Hello Firebird-Team.

I've modified in 09.service.cpp example the following lines:
// Attach to service manager
svc = prov->attachServiceManager(&status, "localhost/3054:service_mgr", spb1-
// Build service start SPB
spb2->insertTag(&status, isc_action_svc_properties);
spb2->insertString(&status, isc_spb_dbname, "employee");
spb2->insertInt(&status, isc_spb_prp_page_buffers, 4000);

Running my changes i get the following error.
** Attaching to service manager...
** Demo of querying information about server version...
Server version: LI-V4.0.4.3010 Firebird 4.0
** Demo of running utility using service manager...
Internal error when using clumplet API: attempt to store 264 bytes in a clumplet with maximum size 255 bytes

Whats wrong with my modifications?

Thank you for help.

Vlad Khorsun

Jul 7, 2024, 5:42:52 PM7/7/24
to firebird-support
  I see no line with alloc of spb2:

spb2 = utl->getXpbBuilder(&status, IXpbBuilder::SPB_START, NULL, 0);

Did you really lose it ?


A. Maier

Jul 9, 2024, 10:27:35 AM7/9/24
to firebird-support
No, i didnt loose it. Its there. I just forgot it in the email.

I have attached my modified example. To compile you still need ifaceExsample.h from the Firebrid installation.



Jul 10, 2024, 5:45:37 AM7/10/24
to firebird-support
Tried - runs w/o errors (after removing '/3054' after 'localhost')

вторник, 9 июля 2024 г. в 17:27:35 UTC+3,

Tomasz Tyrakowski

Jul 10, 2024, 6:26:05 AM7/10/24
On 10.07.2024 at 11:45, AlexPeshkoff wrote:
> Tried - runs w/o errors (after removing '/3054' after 'localhost')
> [...]
>> Running my changes i get the following error.
>> ** Attaching to service manager...
>> ** Demo of querying information about server version...
>> Server version: LI-V4.0.4.3010 Firebird 4.0
>> ** Demo of running utility using service manager...
>> *Internal error when using clumplet API: attempt to store 264 bytes in a
>> clumplet with maximum size 255 bytes*
>> [...]

Just a wild guess. Could it be that the error is in fact caused by
another error (thrown by IService), which requires more than 255
characters to get string-formatted and IUtil::formatStatus (line 176)
complains about it this way? Maybe a quick test with buf[512] instead of
buf[256] would confirm or deny it?
I don't know in what possible contexts the "clumplet" term is used in FB
code (whether a buffer passed to formatStatus is a clumplet or not).
Anyway, that's something I only vaguely suspect, but might be worth trying.


A. Maier

Jul 10, 2024, 4:13:46 PM7/10/24
to firebird-support
Thanks for the help. Unfortunately, buf[512] does not change the error message. Still exactly the same.

Firebird runs on port 3054 for me. I changed this back to standard (3050) so that I only have to pass "localhost:service_mgr" when calling attachServiceManager. Unfortunately again with the same error message.
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