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to firebird-general
Hello everyone,
A little problem with summer time, under FireBird 5.0:
- In Firebird 2.5.9:
Select Current_Time From RDB$DataBase;
Always provided the OS (Server) time, regardless of the Time Zone. It was simple and logical.
- Today in FireBird 5.0, Current_Time will fetch the Time Zone (in FireBird.Conf)
and provides, not the OS time, but that of the Time Zone.
OK, I agree.
But, How to find the real time of the Os in FireBird 5.0 without Time Zone?
- In Doc Fb 5.0 it is indicated:
To find the Server time without Time Zone:
1. Leave DefaultTimeZone = (empty) in FireBird.Conf
2. and use instead:
Select LocalTime From RDB$DataBase;
I try:
it always gives Hour +1 (Summer time)
while my windows displays 12:00, the query indicates 13:00
(Daylight saving time is disabled in my windows settings).
The desired result is: 12:00 (Windows server time) and not 13:00
It seems that FB 5.0 does not take Windows summer time settings.
Conclusion :
How to find the true Os time in FireBird 5.0 (like Firebird 2.5.9)?