Week 8 ~ Time to step it up!!!

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Feb 27, 2013, 10:22:36 AM2/27/13
to firebellz-btcix
Hello Amazing BTCer's!

Nice progress!!!   All of you should have received your before photos ~ I did get some feedback from some of you on your pics ~  if you are disappointed with your progress, you have a month left to work it!  JUST DO IT!  PUSH yourselves alot more, I know you have it in you ~ you know you have it in you also ~ NO EXCUSES!

I was talking with John, he is very impressed with the few people he was able to help with their PGR's!  Setting the bar high, awesome job!  Everyone is doing great but don't be satisfied with mediocre, stay focused and finish this STRONG!

FACEBOOK:  This is a great place to get info and stay in touch with all your FIREBELLZ FRIENDS!   There are three different pages, FIREBELLZ BTC, FIREBELLZ TRAINING STUDIO AND FIREBELLZ REAL FOODS PAGE.  Like our pages! Some of you are not on facebook, understand, consider having a page just to follow FIREBELLZ, you are in total control of your page ~ the privacy options have been improved.  Send friend requests to your fellow BTCer's!   I encourage you to take part in our Facebook pages!!!!

GETUP WORKSHOP ~ Saturday 12:00pm 
There is a sign up sheet on the whiteboard.  This workshop was cancelled earlier, lack of interest.  The Getup move is not easy, come learn and add this to your training!  I am excited about learning this move!

NUTRITION:  80% of your success is what you put in your body!  I cannot stress this more!  Charles continues to write notes on the back of food logs, if you are stuck, TALK TO HIM!  There are many forms of communication these days ~ email, phone, or text him.  He is more than happy to help!  He can help but you have to take the step to listen and do!  LETS STEP THIS PART UP IN THIS LAST MONTH ~ you really will be amazed how much fat will shed off when you eat REAL FOOD 

REQUIREMENTS:  Measurements this week!  These need to be turned in on your tracking log by Sunday at noon along with your PGR and food logs.  I will be at the 9:15 class Saturday morning and would be glad to take your measurements after OR you can take your own ~ we trust you ~ this is your journey!  

BTCX:  We are gearing up for the next BTC!  The Early Bird special is $350.00.   This special will not be around long so take advantage!  It will expire on March 30th at that point it will go back up to $550.00.  This is the time that others are noticing the changes in you!  Share this incredible, one of a kind 12 week transformation with them!  Tell them to take advantage of this incredible offer ~ 60 dollars for 60 days is a great opportunity to get sparks classes done and get a head start on the BTCX !  Share your experience!!!! I believe experience is the only way to understand this kind of training  and why we achieve DRAMATIC RESULTS!

Biggest Losers! (cumulative)   Keep up the excellent work!

Greg        16
Anthony  10.8
Bill          10
Marvin      5.6
Robert      4.4

Lilibeth    11.8
Patricia    11.4
Kirsten     10
Julianna    8.7
Michelle    8.6

These are the final weeks  ~ YOU can make it happen! 

Happy Training!

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