9th WEEK!!!! Stay Positive!

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Mar 6, 2013, 10:49:07 AM3/6/13
to firebellz-btcix
Happy Hump Day BTCer's!

DRAMATIC RESULTS!  I have had the opportunity to train and get to know alot of you.  We all have stories and thank you for sharing yours with me.  I thought this would be a great time to share my story of how I changed my life with fitness and nutrition. Two and half years ago I was a mess!  I was overweight, eating everything, depressed and unhappy. I struggled with my son's addiction, a divorce after 19 years, my business suffering from the economy lets just say it all piled up at the same time and I lived life as a robot.  At that time a friend of mine suggested I get up and get out!!  I was very stubborn, came up with every excuse I could until I hit bottom.  I participated in a 12 week fitness program and went kicking and screaming!  Mid way through I was seeing results not just with my body but with my mind and soul. The positive me was coming back slowly....During this journey of mine I was introduced to FIREBELLZ, I knew after my first BTC this is where I wanted to be.  The results are dramatic for me, not to mention the FIREBELLZ Team is dedicated to each and every person if you allow them to be.  Today through the grace of GOD and my determination, my business is slowly coming back, my son is recovered 1 year and I have the most amazing friendship with my ex.  I want to thank all of you for continuing to inspire me!!!  I'm not saying I don't have bad days, I have just learned how to deal with them better. I set goals in my training just as I do in my business and life.  

Gracie to JJ, Charles and Zar for giving me the opportunity to help change peoples lives!
We are continuously improving your BTC!  Thank you for your suggestions!!  FIREBELLZ considers each one in an effort to improve your BTC   How many of you are planning to participate in the next BTC?  If you are on the fence, here is something to think about ~  FIREBELLZ  is a training studio, not a gym. I don't know of any gym that gives you this level of training. Your journey is always evolving, meaning this is not the end ~ perhaps you fell short of meeting some of your goals, or you have a different set of goals now. I continue to particpate in the BTC becasue with each contest I refine and learn more than I did from the last one. Take advantage of the The Early Bird special is $350.00, this is an unbelievable value!  Next BTC starts May 4th ~ I'm excited to see you there!

COMBUSTION WORKSHOP Level 2 Skills ~ Saturday 12:00pm ~ Included in your BTC package
This workshop covers Clean, Snatch and Press.  This is an awesome workshop, I learned all of these moves in THIS WORKSHOP.   I encourage any of you who do not know how to perform these moves to attend!!!  If you made it to the last one, come and refine what you learned.  This is a $50.00 workshop for ALL others, take advantage of what you already paid for!!!

NUTRITION:  Hey, it's Charles and TODAY I'm going to tell you all about what is undoubtedly the absolute WORST food of all time.


Is it Twinkies? Maybe McDonald's French fries? Donuts? Cookies? Snickers? Doritos? Biscuits and gravy? Soft drinks stuffed with high fructose corn syrup? Cheese-stuffed crust on a meat lovers pizza? (Really? We need cheese in the crust, too?)


Hmm... Although all of these foods are at the top of my "bad" list, they aren't the WORST.


Nope. The worst food ever is ... drum roll please...

Any food that YOU can't stop eating.

(That's so important take a moment to read that sentence again.)

I'm talking about your personal "trigger foods." You know, that one food that you'll eat until you make yourself sick.


For me it's ice cream. For others it's chocolate or something crunchy and salty like chips.


If it's in my house ... I'll come up with dozens of excuses on why it's okay to eat it. "I'll workout extra hard tomorrow." Or, "I ate really healthy today so it's okay to cheat." Or, "I don't care ... give me that darn ice cream scooper!" =)


The key to getting (and keeping a flat belly) is recognizing these trigger foods and keeping them OUT OF YOUR HOUSE.


Really. This tip alone can save you thousands of calories every week.


So today's take home message is this: make a list of your top three trigger foods and "send them packin'."

I could really relate to this, I cleaned my pantry, fridge and freezer about a month ago and it has really helped me to stay on track ~ IT HAS HELPED ME!




Here as another quick and easy recipe.

Ground Beef Stir-Fry with Curried Cabbage:


·                  1 tablespoon coconut oil

·                  ½ large onion, diced

·                  1 pound ground beef, pork, lamb, or whatever high-quality meat suits your fancy

·                  2 teaspoons curry powder

·                  Kosher salt

·                  Freshly ground pepper

·                  ½ small head of cabbage, thinly sliced

·                  Juice from ½ lime



Heat the coconut oil in a large cast iron skillet, and cook the onions until they’re soft and translucent.

Add the ground meat to the onions in the skillet.

Break it up and stir-fry until the pink’s gone.

Sprinkle the curry powder on the contents of the skillet, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Stir to incorporate.

Toss in the cabbage, and cover and cook for 2 minutes or until the cabbage softens.

Add a spritz of lime juice, and taste and adjust the seasonings as desired.


Remember: this is just one example of how you can throw together a Stir-Fry. You could easily substitute your favorite seasoning blend for the curry, or a couple of cups of fresh or frozen vegetables for the cabbage. Don’t be afraid to improvise. Just sample the food as you cook, and stop seasoning when it tastes right.


I like to experiment, my mind is always racing. I also like to use the left over stir fry mix to make stuffed bell peppers, stuffed Portobello mushrooms or stuffed squash.


Let me know what you think.

REQUIREMENTS:  PGR, Food Logs and Tracking

Biggest Losers! (cumulative)   Excellent work!
Greg  15.8
Bill Reed 15
Anthony 10.8
Marvin 6.4

Lilibeth  14
Patricia  11.4
Kirsten  11
Juliana  9.2
Michelle  8.6

Inline image 1

These are the final weeks  ~ YOU can make it happen! 
Happy Training!

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