Keep up the awesome work ~ Week 7

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Feb 20, 2013, 10:20:28 AM2/20/13
to firebellz-btcix
Hi there BTCer's!

We are in week 7!  I am seeing some DRAMATIC RESULTS happening! From the feedback I've had you are too! This program is not easy, I know this ~ perseverance will pay off! 

COMBUSTION CLASS TWO ~ Saturday 12:00pm ~ Charles Bustos
This is included in your BTCIX package!  Instruction will cover Clean, Press, Snatch and squat.  This is an incredible workshop!  I learned all of these moves in this workshop in my first BTC.  In order to progress in your training you will need to learn and perfect all of these moves. If you are serious about this kind of training I encourage you to make a priority to attend!  Additionally this is a great workshop to sharpen your skills.

NUTRITION:  Please write any questions you may have for Charles on the back of your food logs.  If you feel like you are struggling and need extra help, contact Charles by email he is extremely knowledgeable in what to eat.  If you are on Facebook like FIREBELLZ Real Foods page, alot of information and discussion is going on!  I want to express how much my body composition has changed in the last 3 weeks! NO KIDDING!  I know I shared this last week,  but I am so excited for all of you to start eating real food!!!!  Change your eating habits = DRAMATIC RESULTS!

BTCX: We are gearing up for the next BTC!  Early Bird special will be announced this week. This is the time that others are noticing the changes in you!  Share this incredible, one of a kind 12 week transformation with them!  Tell them to take advantage of this incredible offer ~ 60 dollars for 60 days is a great opportunity to get sparks classes done and get a head start on the BTCX !  Share your experience as one has to experience this kind of training  in order to really understand why we achieve DRAMATIC RESULTS!

Biggest Losers! (cumulative)  Keep up the excellent work!

Greg  12.8
Bill  8
Anthony  7
Marvin 4.6
Robert 4.4

Lilibeth  11.6
Kirsten  10
Michelle Berger  9.2
Des  8.1
Julianna 7.2

Before Pics  I promised them last week, I apologize for the delay.  I have a template setup and will be sending them out individually this week.  If you do not have yours by Sunday please let me know! 

I found myself thinking about some of you who owe penalty's.  This saddens me,  life does happen,  however that doesn't mean you throw all the hard work away ~ I encourage you to pay them, these are minor compared to the consequences. All of you are doing awesome!  Its your choice... )    If you have issue with your penalty's please email Charles or myself otherwise they are due today by 7pm.

•  Persist no matter what.
•  Endure discomfort.
•  Request help.
•  Steadfastly hold on to your beliefs
    and values.
•  Envision triumph.
•  Very consistently keep at it.
•  Embrace adversity as your teacher.
•  Refuse to give up.
•  Enjoy and celebrate every tiny bit of progress!

Happy Training 


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