Xcode linking issues with multiple frameworks

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Niall McCormack

Oct 1, 2024, 9:18:37 PMOct 1
to Firebase Google Group
Hi all, 

I'm splitting a monolithic Xcode project into multiple frameworks. There are 2 frameworks that need FirebaseFirestore as a dependency.

The Firebase SDK is managed by Xcode Swift Package Manager.

As far as I understand, because I can't set an Xcode / SwiftPM Package as "Do Not Embed" Xcode ultimately tries to embed the FirebaseFirestore framework twice.

What is the recommended approach to get this working?

This Stackoverflow reply suggests that there is a way to force Xcode to allow "Do Not Embed"

But I'm wondering if there is a more "official" route :)


Niall McCormack

Oct 2, 2024, 5:37:25 PMOct 2
to Firebase Google Group
To be clear, if I try to import FirebaseFirestore library to multiple frameworks then I get a lot of linker errors and the application won't build.
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