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Firebase Admin SDK Upgrade

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guiying wang

Dec 13, 2024, 9:17:37 AM12/13/24
to Firebase Google Group

In our Spring Boot project, we integrated the Firebase Admin SDK. While using version 6.10.0, we utilized the sendAll method for batch messaging. However, this functionality has stopped working and now returns a 404 error.

Currently, we are using the latest version of the Firebase Admin SDK, 9.4.1, and have switched to the sendEach method for batch messaging. With the same codebase and the same Firebase account (using the same JSON configuration file), the batch messaging and receiving work perfectly in the sandbox environment. However, in the production environment, the process hangs and eventually throws an exception: "@type":"org.apache.hc.core5.reactor.IOReactorShutdownException","localizedMessage":"I/O reactor has been shut down".

We need your guidance on the next steps to resolve this issue.

Joe Spiro

Dec 23, 2024, 2:05:13 PM12/23/24
to Firebase Google Group
"IOReactorShutdownException" appears only tangentially related. To look into this further, pull your server logs (beyond and before that particular message) and contact Cloud Messaging support.
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