Incorrect Data Transfer Limit Displayed in Realtime Database Section

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Francesco Sgnaolin

Feb 7, 2025, 7:36:14 PMFeb 7
to Firebase Google Group

I'm writing to report a bug in the Firebase console. When viewing the "Usage" section for my Realtime Database, the data transfer limit displayed is incorrect. It shows 360 MB per day, which is the limit for Firebase Hosting. The correct limit for Realtime Database is 10 GB per month.

This discrepancy is confusing and could lead to users exceeding their actual limits. It would be helpful if the console displayed the correct limits for each service in their respective sections.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Joe Spiro

Feb 7, 2025, 7:38:21 PMFeb 7
to Firebase Google Group
Hello! Really appreciate the heads up; Please file a bug report. This will help the issue get prioritized and reported to the correct people.

Note: For everyone reading this, this forum is not intended for bug reports and all subsequent reports should instead be reported at that same location.
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