After 2 years of development, my dream Firebase GUI is finally ready for beta testers! 🥳

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May 18, 2024, 8:08:18 PM5/18/24
to Firebase Google Group
Hey guys,

I've been working for the last two years on the Firebase desktop GUI I always wanted to use myself and I'm finally ready to accept some beta testers. Let me kindly introduce you to Firelize.

My goal was to take the general structure of the web console and add powerful features such as inline editing, drag & drop collection exporting, emulator support, tabs, batch editing, and much more!

In the upcoming beta, Firestore will be the first Firebase service to be supported. However, a lot of the implementation work for Storage and Authentication is already done and will be implemented pretty soon as well. And I'm also looking forward to getting my hands on Data Connect to see if an implementation in Firelize makes sense.

If you'd like to give Firelize a try, which would mean the world to me, feel free to:

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Cheers ✌️
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