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FCM registration token not received by delegate for iOS app

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Dec 9, 2024, 10:54:46 AM12/9/24
to Firebase Google Group

Here is our app situation:

  • We have one iOS app (same bundle ID) that can connect to either a North American (NAM) cloud or an European (EU) one that is selected based on phone's region.
  • Before November 15th everything was working.
  • Then we released the new iOS version or our app.
  • Since that release, the app connecting to the EU’s cloud no more receives a registration token when starting the application. We are using the "Messaging.messaging().delegate = self" and expect the "func messaging(_ messaging: Messaging, didReceiveRegistrationToken fcmToken: String?)" delegate to be called.
  • I tried the quickstart project for messaging.
    • I created 2x app in Firebase and get the plist files. for the 2 different clouds and using the same bundle id.
    • When connecting to the NAM cloud, I do receive the FCM token. If I connect to the EU cloud, I don’t get the token.
    • If I use a different bundle id for each cloud, then the apps always receive the FCM token.

Now, the question is this:

-> From now on, can we have the same app with the same bundle id used in 2 different Firebase clouds?

Thanks in advance

Joe Spiro

Dec 9, 2024, 1:24:00 PM12/9/24
to Firebase Google Group

Can you please specify how (at a technical level) you have made the app "connect to either a North American (NAM) cloud or an European (EU)"? How are you doing this generally across Firebase and how are you doing this specifically for messaging?



Dec 10, 2024, 10:48:50 AM12/10/24
to Firebase Google Group

Each cloud gives me a specific Google plist file.
Those 2 plist files are inside my app package.
Based on the phone's region, I am selecting the right one.

In AppDelegate, I have this:

FirebaseApp.configure(options: Bundle.main.localizedFirebaseOptions)

extension Bundle {

    var localizedFirebaseOptions: FirebaseOptions {

        return FirebaseOptions(contentsOfFile: localizedPlistPath)!


    private var localizedPlistPath: String {

        let countryCode = Locale.current.region?.identifier

        let continent = SiteLocation.continents[countryCode ?? ""]

        let plist = getPlist(continent: continent).rawValue

        return path(forResource: plist, ofType: "plist")!


    private func getPlist(continent: String?) -> Bundle.Plist {

        var plist = Plist.generic

        switch compiledVersion {

        case .prod:

            plist = continent == Continent.northAmerica.rawValue ? Plist.northAmerica_prod : Plist.europe_prod



            plist = Plist.generic


        return plist


    private enum Plist: String {

        case europe_prod = "EU-PROD-GoogleService-Info"

        case northAmerica_prod = "NAM-PROD-GoogleService-Info"





Dec 10, 2024, 6:42:59 PM12/10/24
to Firebase Google Group
I would like to add that today, I found out that the iPad Pro M1 does not have the token not received issue like a regular iPad or iPhone do.

Not sure how it can help, but wanted to share with you.

Joe Spiro

Dec 23, 2024, 2:11:47 PM12/23/24
to Firebase Google Group
To clarify, manually modifying the configuration via the plist is highly discouraged.

Did you discern why the issue doesn't exist on the M1 system?
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