Firebase Realtime Database Pricing

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Apr 20, 2020, 11:50:31 AM4/20/20
to Firebase Google Group

I am looking into using Firebase and the Spark (free) plan seems to cover most of my needs right now. However, if I would like to only use beyond 100 simultaneous connections to the Realtime Database (200k connections), how much would this cost me in the Blaze plan? The pricing page does not seem to address this...


Kato Richardson

Apr 20, 2020, 12:53:44 PM4/20/20
to Firebase Google Group
Hi Manne,

You don't pay for connections; you pay for data transferred and data stored.


☼, Kato

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Kato Richardson | Developer Programs Eng | | 775-235-8398

Graham Dickinson

Apr 20, 2020, 1:42:11 PM4/20/20
to Firebase Google Group
There is no charge for simultaneous connections. You either get only 100 on the free plan or have to move to Blaze. There is no way of going above 100 on Spark.


Apr 20, 2020, 2:03:46 PM4/20/20
to Firebase Google Group
Does this mean that I can use Firebase with 200k concurrent connections for free on the Blaze plan as long as I keep usage below free tier? If this is the case, then that's perfect -- I would much rather be charged for exceeded usage than for it to be blocked.

Kato Richardson

Apr 20, 2020, 2:31:41 PM4/20/20
to Firebase Google Group
Correct. Your assessment is good. You'll probably want to set up a billing alert in the admin console to let you know if you have a spike.

For posterity, if you're pulling 200K concurrents, then you likely have 20X that in users (i.e. around 4 million monthly actives or MAU). So it's probably not realistic that you could stay entirely within the free tier. 

☼, Kato

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