Clarification in Pricing for Spark and Blaze Plans

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Abdul Muezz Ejaz

Apr 2, 2022, 11:57:38 AM4/2/22
to Firebase Google Group
I am making a simple web app in flutter and I want to be able to use Cloud Functions. I am willing to create a billing account and opt for the Blaze plan because initially it seemed like I would be able to use Cloud Functions with no other cost because my requirements would still fall under the "free" part of the Blaze plan.

Look at the images attached. The cloud firestore comparison shows that I would have no cost as long as I am within the spark plan limits. That same comparison for hosting and cloud storage does not mention that I would have no cost. For instance,  the comparison for hosting allows 10 GB for Storage in Spark Plan but in Blaze plan it only says "$0.026/GB". Does that mean I would be charged even though the first 10 GB should be free?

I know for sure that my requirements would bring me no costs as they fall within the Spark plan. I just want to be able to use Cloud Functions.firestore.pnghosting.pngcloud_storage.png

Apr 2, 2022, 11:59:11 PM4/2/22
to Firebase Google Group
The Blaze plan includes the no-cost usage the Spark plan gives you*. The Blaze pricing is applied when you go over the Spark plan quota(s). The top of the pricing page indicates "No-cost usage from Spark plan included". Cloud Functions, as you note, does not have any no-cost usage under Spark or Blaze. 

(* there is a subtle difference in the way the no-cost quota is measured between Spark and Blaze - the specific wording we include on the pricing page is currently "No-cost usage on Blaze plan is calculated daily. Details differ slightly for Cloud Functions, Firebase ML, Phone Auth, and Test Lab." For example, some of the Spark quotas are calculated monthly vs daily.)

Abdul Muezz Ejaz

Apr 3, 2022, 12:14:54 PM4/3/22
to Firebase Google Group
Thanks for the reply. The comparison between the plans just confused me. This makes sense.
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