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Subscription limits for topics in FCM

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Алексей Чернявский

Jun 4, 2024, 4:18:17 AM6/4/24
to Firebase Google Group
The FCM documentation states that [from the server, you can subscribe or unsubscribe]( up to 1000 devices in a single request. If you provide an array containing more than 1000 registration tokens (devices), the request will fail with the error `messaging/invalid-argument`.

Another page says that [speed ​​of adding/removing subscriptions to a topic]( is limited to 3000 QPS per project.

Is it 3000 QPS for 1000 devices (3,000,000,000 subscriptions/descriptions per second, which is unlikely), or is it 3 requests for 1000 devices?

Алексей Чернявский

Jun 6, 2024, 2:06:50 PM6/6/24
to Firebase Google Group
Answer from FCM Support.

The 3000 QPS per project rate means that FCM can process 3000 items at a time. Regardless of how many devices is included in all the requests, the speed is still 3000. You can send 5 requests with 1000 devices, total of 5000, FCM will still process it at 3000 QPS. Then, it will continue to process the remaining items until it's done

вторник, 4 июня 2024 г. в 13:18:17 UTC+5, Алексей Чернявский:
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