Migrate Firebase resources from one project to another

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João Pedro Daibello

Dec 20, 2024, 7:09:19 PM12/20/24
to Firebase Google Group
Hi all, I'm working on a new GCP project, and a person from the client I'm working with created a new Firebase project pointing to the new GCP project. Today she gave me access to the Firebase projects and I see that the current on-live project has the following:

  • An Android and iOS app
  • Authentication
  • Analytics
  • Realtime Database
  • Messaging (using legacy API Cloud Messaging)
So, because there is so much important data in the current project, I wonder if there's a quick and safe way to migrate the data and resources from one project to another, without risks of the current infrastructure and services going down

Joe Spiro

Dec 23, 2024, 6:28:31 PM12/23/24
to Firebase Google Group
All Firebase projects are GCP projects. To understand your specific needs, is this Firebase project NOT the same project as the GCP project? If you open the GCP project in the console, do your Firebase products show up there?

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