Intially we are send the custom key value pair and dictionary to the FCM API. But now we need to send he same JSON format to make is backward compatible for the old APPs. But HTTP V1 API is returning 400

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Madhumidha Desigan

May 15, 2024, 4:55:06 PMMay 15
to Firebase Google Group
Sending FCM push notification {'message': {'data': {'b': {'alert': 'Avi woke up at 8:47 AM and slept for 0 mins.', 'e': '6644d909e5f8f79bb7315c32', 'ed': '2024-05-15', 'l': '6', 'g': '6158a805518a17ec4333f032', 'd': '615a47547f1f91dddc00c6d0'}, 't': 'e'}, 'notification': {'title': 'hjk', 'body': 'Avi woke up at 8:47 AM and slept for 0 mins.'}, 'token': '##########'}}
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