Firebase Auth Delete User

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Ansh Tripathi

Sep 3, 2024, 12:11:18 PMSep 3
to Firebase Google Group
Hi, When I use the deleteUser function from Firebase authentication, it automatically redirects the user to the signin page. Is this a default behaviour?

Arthur Thompson

Sep 3, 2024, 6:47:28 PMSep 3
Firebase Auth does not control the UI of your application; however it is a common practice to have a "router" within your application listen for updates from the onAuthStateChanged() method and if that state has changed to a signed out state then the "router" routes to the login page.

This sounds like what is happening in your case so I'd check if there are any routing hooks in your application that are related to the events coming from the onAuthStateChanged() method.

On Tue, Sep 3, 2024 at 9:10 AM Ansh Tripathi <> wrote:
Hi, When I use the deleteUser function from Firebase authentication, it automatically redirects the user to the signin page. Is this a default behaviour?

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