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Robin Tremblay

Sep 17, 2024, 10:19:50 AM9/17/24
to Firebase Google Group
I find nothing in the documentation so I try here. I integrate AppCheck for a flutter application, the fact of integrating AppCheck for iOS and Android, do I have to do it for functions that are called by trigger (onDocumentDeleted, onObjectFinalized) at the same time, or is it not necessary for this type of Functions

Thanks for the experts and your help!


Sep 17, 2024, 4:59:32 PM9/17/24
to Firebase Google Group
App Check would protect your interactions with Firestore and Firebase Storage (client to backend interactions).

Those functions onDocumentDeleted and onObjectFinalized are privileged functions that respond to events being emitted by Firestore and Storage (backend to backend interactions).

You only need to be concerned with adding app check to functions that are invoked directly by the end user.

Hope this helps!


Robin Tremblay

Sep 18, 2024, 10:53:19 AM9/18/24
Hello Nohé,

Thank you very much this helps me a lot, so if I understand correctly?

the potential calls onCall, onRequest, If I make calls from my flutter client application, these functions will have to include modifications to support AppCheck and be deployed again.


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Sep 18, 2024, 1:57:59 PM9/18/24
to Firebase Google Group
Correct. If you are looking to protect function calls, those would be the two Firebase functions to protect.

onCall functions are protected through a configuration setting whereas onRequest functions would require you to extract a header value and pass that header in on the client making calls to your functions.

Hope this helps!


Robin Tremblay

Sep 19, 2024, 10:46:27 AM9/19/24
to Firebase Google Group
Thank you for your quick replies, These reassured me about the precise functions that I should modify. Kind regards
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