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Fwd: Reservations for Space in Containers to Australia

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miha kavcic

Jul 5, 2023, 3:58:13 AM7/5/23

ena informacija za interesente kateri bi želeli iti v Avstralijo ...


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From: <>
Date: Wed, Jul 5, 2023 at 9:28 AM
Subject: Reservations for Space in Containers to Australia
To: miha kavcic <>, Clay Poulson <>, US IFA President <>, Andrea Minoni <>, Ralph Landerer <>, Elise Franson <>, Francis De Roeck <>, David Laing <>, John Manson <>, Peter Wirth <>, Derian Scott <>, Steven Borzani <>, Giovanni Dagnino <>, Nikolai Allers <>, myles gavin <>, Cedric Landerer <>, Karl-Heinz Höpfner <>, Elizabeth Brennan <>, John Heywood <>, Jakub Nápravník <>, kato hiroshi <>, Selina Zehnder <>, David Carroll <>, Neil Fraser <>, jean robillard <>, Neil Cramer <>
Cc: Evelyn Chisholm <>, Heather Macfarlane <>, Jakub Napravnik <>, kato hiroshi <>, Guy Newson <>, Linus Eberle <>, Dave Hall <>, Mianne Erne <>, Ruedi Moser <>, Cormac Bradley <>, Alastair Bush <>

Dear Presidents and Secretaries

Go for the next big and exciting Fireball Highlight!

Please inform your members, that It is NOW, that we have to make our final plans to get reservations for a space in the containers going to Geelong Australia.

Deadline for reservations is July 24th.
It is then, when we decide definitively, if there will be more than 1 container shipped from Continental Europe to Geelong. One container from GBR is fully booked. Thus, GBR crews will have the chance to get a space in a container from continental Europe.
Reservations wil be considered on a "first come first served" basis.

Information and reservations have to be made here:
Reservations will be valid only after payment of a deposit (around € 1000.-). Furthermore a form has to be filled to enable all requirements for custom forms (e.g. Carnet ATA).

After contacting me (, I will send an invoice and the form to be filled.

Loading will be done between 15. and 25. October 2023. in Prague CZE or Frick SUI.

I am looking forward to get a bunch of your members keen for the Australian adventure!!

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