Using modules inside services

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Hyun Joon Seol

Jul 12, 2017, 1:57:28 AM7/12/17
to finatra-users
I'm fairly new to Finatra and injection in general, so I may not have the right concept here. 

I have a service that does some application logic. The interface is defined as

trait Foo {
  def foo(): Unit
  def bar(): Unit

And let's say I have some different implementations of Foo. I understand I can use `.bind` inside modules to bind specific implementations of Foo.

One of these implementations uses postgres. So before I write the application logic for that implementation, I want to have a module that just deals with postgres connections, so I think I need a module that @provides a connection. I've written that part.

And now I want to write the implementation. Should the implementation be another module, or should it be something like a `service` i.e. ?

If the implementation should be a service, how can I inject a module inside that service? will using @inject suffice? What would be the most "Finatra" way of implementing this?

Yufan Gong

Jul 12, 2017, 1:40:44 PM7/12/17
to Hyun Joon Seol, finatra-users
Hi Hyun,

I think you are able to write each implementation as a service, not sure if this is the most "Finatra" approach though. You could take a look at RedisUrlShortenerService( In this example, it also uses @Inject for JedisClient which is provided in JedisClientModule(, so I think it is doable as long as you add your postgresClient module to the additional modules sequence.


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Hyun Joon Seol

Jul 12, 2017, 9:34:17 PM7/12/17
to finatra-users,
@Inject actually worked like a charm. Thanks for your help!
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