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December Status Update

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James Turk

Dec 6, 2010, 10:39:23 AM12/6/10
Three months ago we made an announcement regarding support for the
first 10 states to go live in our API. Today we're happy to announce
the next five, three of which are already up and the remaining two
will be up by the end of the month.

As of today Florida, Virginia, and New Jersey are available in
experimental status (reflected here

Mississippi and Minnesota are on deck for a release in the next month,
possibly early January if the holiday.

Additionally we're making public dumps available for those of you that
want to use all of the data and not hit it once for every bill. The
URL of the latest dump for each state is now available in the metadata
call, (see latest_dump_url in

The elections were also the primary reason we chose not to promote any
new states beyond experimental. We expect that with January being the
project's first ever term transition we'll have our hands full with
changes to state legislative websites. After the transition dust
settles we'll be promoting a batch of states and bringing states on
(hopefully at a more rapid pace).

If you're looking for more detailed status information check out the
(frequently updated) spreadsheet:
or keep an eye on the code at

We have a lot of exciting things coming up in 2011, including a lot of
news on the public facing side of things, so stay tuned.


James Turk
Open State Project Lead

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