Hello All,
I'm new to programming in general but have been interesting in tools at the intersection of coding and visual metaphors and I found Field to be a breath of fresh air. SO thank you.
I was able to follow the instructions on the Github Repo and install Field successfully.
I'm trying to use the Processing Plugin and was able to turn it on and restart. It tells me that the bridge didn't initialize. I read that Field will try to find Processing in the usual folders. I have mine installed in ~/Applications it's V 2.2.1 BTW.
My question is (phew): How do I direct Field to the Processing.app. I understand that you could make changes to the plugin options, namely: processing Application. What I don't know is how or where I do the changes.
Apologies in advance for a rudimentary question that might have been addressed ad nauseam.
Appreciate your time and help.