2D puppets in Field

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Michael Lew

Jul 18, 2012, 11:31:41 AM7/18/12
to Field-development, fi...@openendedgroup.com
Hello :
I would like to use Animata within Field. Do you think that would be
possible ?
Animata is an open-source package developed by the Kitchen in
Budapest :
Thank you for your input.

Marc Downie

Jul 18, 2012, 12:20:01 PM7/18/12
to Michael Lew, Field-development

Seems like it wants to be talked to over OSC:

Start here:

any trouble let us know,


Michael Lew

Jul 19, 2012, 4:51:08 AM7/19/12
to Marc Downie, Field-development
Sure, I could control the Animata puppets from Field
using OSC, but how do I recuperate the images from
Animata so that they can be composited in a 2.5D
environment with other things such as NPCs/autonomous
characters, trees, flowers, background landscapes, etc ?
This is my problem.

Does Field have libraries for moving sprites ?

Does Field allow to animate articulated characters ?
(that's what Animata does - animate a 2D mesh)


Priam Givord

Jul 19, 2012, 9:37:35 AM7/19/12
to field-de...@googlegroups.com
Salut Michael,

Je suis sur cette liste, je te passe le bonjour! Priam

Priam Givord
3Di Solutions
Sent from my iPhone
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Michael Lew

Jul 28, 2012, 9:57:57 AM7/28/12
to Marc Downie, Field-development
I was thinking about something like Syphon
between Animata and Field

Marc Downie

Jul 28, 2012, 11:49:06 AM7/28/12
to Michael Lew, Field-development

We have code for Field as a Syphon client (although it hasn't been tested much since the repository reorganization, it's pretty straightforward). The thing I can't control is whether Animata can be a Syphon server. If it can, then we're off to the races...

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