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Ildar Ahmetzhanov

13.05.2000, 03:00:0013.05.00
I'm glad to see you, All!

The Infoceptor обновил %subj'евую страничку:

Warcraft 3 will feature a wide range of neutral creatures to make it_s maps
seem more like a world, rather than a game board. This will create an immersive
atmosphere as well as create unique strategies and tactics.

Traders are peaceful folks who live in the wilderness of Azeroth, bringing
their wares and skills to whichever army that_s willing to pay the price. Many
times, a victory may depend entirely on the quality of one_s weapons, and the
traders aare their to make sure both sides have the best.

Goblin Trader:

Wares: Potions
Price: Mediocre
As Thrall took command of the Orcish Horde and Nur_zhul disappeared into
twisting nether, the Goblins disliked to direction the Horde was heading. No
longer was greed and destruction their primary drive, but instead they spoke of
_honor_ and _nature_. Distraught and have little grasp on such
non-materialistic ideals, The Goblins Alchemists left the horde and now sell
their creations to anyone willing to the price.
A Goblin Trader can be easily found by their straw huts, raised above the
ground using strands of bamboo. Goblins eager for money often stand outside
their huts, hailing anyone who has the money to purchase their wide range of

Creeps are wondering citizens of Azeroth, littered across the map. Upon
encountered by players, they have different reactions depending on the players
race and power. Some may attack outright, while other may offer their services
of money, while other_s will give specific quests. Creeps are always armed, and
hence are sometimes a threat, especially to fledgling forces.


Weapons: Picks
Special Abilities: Unknown
Reincarnations: None
Armed with picks, kobold encampments are littered across Azeroth. These dog-men
do not possess much intelligence, but are quite aggressive and cunning. They
often plan ambushes for an unwary band of men. In one_s or twos, Kobolds
possess little threat to a seasoned Grunt or Footman, but they often attack in
numbers. Kobolds associate well with Gnolls, and are often seen in their


Weapons: Ball and Chain
Special Abilities: Unknown
Reincarnations: None
A cross between a hyena and a man, Gnolls are fearsome warriors who chose to
fight for non-one but themselves. After the destruction of their lands by the
invading demons, Gnolls have wondered throughout Azeroth, preying on the weak
and working for the strong. Wielding a Ball and chain with extraordinary
precision, Gnolls have being known to bring down men in one swoop. They often
associate wit their lesser cousins, giving them protection in return for
tireless servants.


Weapons: Short Sword
Special Abilities: Amphibious
Reincarnations: None
Sahuagin are a race of amphibious humanoids who_ve had little contact with
their land dwelling cousins. However the recent arrival of legion have
disturbed their underwater homes, causing them to send scouts to see just what
is transpiring in the surface world.
Distrustful of all land dwellers alike, Sahuagin are easily agitated into
attacking. While small is stature and size, Sahuagin are fast and nimble,
making them deadly fighters. Never one to press on a loosing battle, they
retreat back into the waters whenever overwhelmed. Sahuagin are typically found
along the beaches, and never venture far into land.

Giant Spider:

Weapons: Mandibles
Reincarnations: Summoned Spider (War1)
Special Abilities: Secret Poison, Web
These huge monstrosities resemble large overgrown spiders. Although
unintelligent, they are fast and their poison is deadly. Many an unwary warrior
has fallen to this terrible beast. While these spiders are too dumb to be
trained, powerful sorceress have been known to be able to bend its will their
bidding. Giant spiders are usually found to roam the forests at night time, and
lurk with the darkness of subterranean passageways.

Sheeps are mindless animals that roam around Azeroth, mindless of the war for
survival that is raging across their very habitats. Terms _sheeps_ by Blizzard,
these will function much the same way as critters in previous _craft_ games,
and they will not retaliate when attacked. Critters however does server one
function in a game, as they provide secondary resources for several races.


Reincarnations: Boars (War3)
Provides: Meat, Corpse
Pigs roam across the wild lands of Azeroth, their flesh enticing many an Orc.
Indeed these creatures are often tamed by the Horde for food. Wild pigs are
often slaughtered for meat by the Horde, as well as provide corpses for the
Undead to raise their armies.

Good bye!

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