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Denis Mosko

Mar 12, 2019, 10:34:59 AM3/12/19

The cats who live at a forging plant don't understand why home cats are
so afraid of a vacuum cleaner.

The Parkinson's disease is better than the Alzheimer's syndrome. It's
better to spill some cognac on your pants, than to forget where the
bottle is.


alexander koryagin

Mar 13, 2019, 3:17:53 AM3/13/19
Hi, Denis Mosko!
I read your message from 12.03.2019 17:23

DM> The cats who live at a forging plant don't understand why
DM> home cats are so afraid of a vacuum cleaner.
DM> The Parkinson's disease is better than the Alzheimer's
DM> syndrome. It's better to spill some cognac on your pants, than
DM> to forget where the bottle is.

Good jokes. But don't use for posting to English_Tutor.
You messages can be read only by users of this gate.

Bye, Denis!
Alexander Koryagin 2019

Denis Mosko

Mar 15, 2019, 8:59:59 AM3/15/19
Hi, alexander!
ak> I read your message from 12.03.2019 17:23

DM>> The cats who live at a forging plant don't understand why
DM>> home cats are so afraid of a vacuum cleaner.
DM>> The Parkinson's disease is better than the Alzheimer's
DM>> syndrome. It's better to spill some cognac on your pants, than
DM>> to forget where the bottle is.

ak> Good jokes.

Send new jokes, All!

Sercently yours- Denis.

Denis Mosko

Mar 19, 2019, 12:04:58 PM3/19/19

One night a Viking named Rudolph The Red was looking out the
window when he said "It's going to rain".

"How do you know?" asked his wife.

The reply : "Because Rudolph The Red knows rain, dear"

С уважением - Denis
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