Wings of Fury (Broderbund)
download the install package
created at 2019-11-03
size of install package 38913 Bytes
Author CFOU!
Hall Of Light
Lemon Amiga
version 1.1 (01.11.19) done by C-Fou!:
- Another version encrypted by Rob Northen supported (SPS 599)
- adapted for whdload+17
- Custom1=1 used to actived cheat mode at start
In Game Cheat keys:
P: Add plane | M: Add weapons
C: Change weapon | D: add Oil/Damage
F: Add Fuel | Q: Quit game
Spc: Memory info | Help: Isle info
I: restore weapons
Change physic keys:
2-4: -/+ wind | 6-8: -/+ gravity
(bomb can flight!)
- Access fault fixed in memory manager (RNC version)
- slave rewritten for last Kick13 (Thanks's Bert)
- alternate slave with only chip provided
- files installation instead of disk image
(Warning, you need re-install game)
- new install script
WBR, Alex Kovrigin <alex(at)>