Beegfs Storage Rebalancing

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Waleed Khalid

May 27, 2024, 7:31:13 AMMay 27
to beegfs-user
Dear All,
I wanted to ask if the beegfs rebalancing tool that I remember the developers working on back some time ago, has been released yet or not?
Currently AFAIK, if we add a storage server to an already full beegfs instance, there is no rebalancing that is done. Is that correct?

For my specific example, I had 3 storage servers that were completely filled, so I added a 4th storage server. Now I have 3 full storage servers and 1 empty one and no way of rebalancing data.
Best regards,

Guan Xin

May 27, 2024, 8:08:12 PMMay 27
to beegfs-user

Re-balancing beegfs storage targets can't be done safely when files are open for writing.

What you mentioned is however storage servers.
If they provide block devices only and you have lvm or btrfs above them,
then online re-balancing will be possible.

Best regards,
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