I don't have the following explicitly set but they look like default values if they aren't set to I don't think that would be an issue.
dbDatabase = beegfs_mon
dbMaxPointsPerRequest = 5000
dbSetRetentionPolicy = true
dbRetentionDuration = 1d
I've put my working config with 2 redactions.
I think the important thing for your error would be the "dbAuthFile = /etc/beegfs/beegfs-mon.auth"
# --- Section 1.1: [Basic Settings] ---
sysMgmtdHost = xxxxxx
# --- Section 1.2: [Advanced Settings] ---
dbType = influxdb2
dbHostName = xxxxx
dbHostPort = 8086
dbAuthFile = /etc/beegfs/beegfs-mon.auth
# used by influxdb V2 only
dbBucket = beegfs_mon
collectClientOpsByNode = true
collectClientOpsByUser = true
statsRequestIntervalSecs = 5
httpTimeoutMSecs = 1000
nodelistRequestIntervalSecs = 30
curlCheckSSLCertificates = true
connMgmtdPortTCP = 8008
connMgmtdPortUDP = 8008
connPortShift = 0
connAuthFile = /etc/beegfs/connauthfile
connFallbackExpirationSecs = 900
connMaxInternodeNum = 3
connInterfacesFile =
connNetFilterFile =
connTcpOnlyFilterFile =
logType = logfile
logLevel = 3
logNoDate = false
logNumLines = 50000
logNumRotatedFiles = 2
logStdFile = /var/log/beegfs-mon.log
runDaemonized = true
tuneNumWorkers = 4
I think the important thing for your error would be the "dbAuthFile = /etc/beegfs/beegfs-mon.auth"
Here is the contents of ours
# used by influxdb V2 only
organization = <your org>
token = <your token>