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Fwd: Join Fleshler Sensei and Van Amburgh Sensei virtually this weekend

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Dave Dewberry

May 18, 2022, 5:39:35 PM5/18/22
to Forest Grove Aikido
I may 'Zoom' in from the Forest Grove dojo space.
Contact me if you want the Zoom link to join from home.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Multnomah Aikikai <>
Date: Tue, May 17, 2022 at 9:34 PM
Subject: Join Fleshler Sensei and Van Amburgh Sensei virtually this weekend
To: Multnomah Aikikai <>

Our May 21-22 hybrid seminar is this weekend! 

I invite you to attend virtually for any portion of the weekend.  

Thank you so much for the support you have already given to our fundraising campaign earlier this year.  

With your help we have raised over $3000 so far. At the conclusion of this seminar weekend we will asses funds raised and determine which dojo infrastructure projects we can accomplish this summer.  

New, for this phase of the fundraising campaign, we have produced  a limited run of quality T-shirts sporting the 30/40/50 anniversary design on the back, and the small square "heron" logo of Multnomah Aikikai on the front. We also produced a new run of the softback five-pillar compass journals. These serve as thank you gifts to donors at various levels. 

We are now using a donation platform named "Giving Fuel" to receive secure donations and organize fulfillment of the thank you gifts. We invite you to visit our new dojo donation page 

This weekend Fleshler Sensei will teach on Sunday May 22. Van Amburgh Sensei will teach on Saturday May 21. Class schedule and details are posted on the anniversary overview page:


It would be great to see you this weekend! I invite you to participate virtually in any portion of the seminar. 


Thank you again for all your support in this special year for our dojo! 

Suzane Van Amburgh

Aikido  & Iaido - Multnomah Aikikai:
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