AI goes bonkers?

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Feb 22, 2024, 5:31:29 PMFeb 22

Yesterday I asked an AI search engine about a particular hash algorithm. Moments after receiving and staring in disbelief at this partial response, my wife looked up from her computer and asked if I had heard that something had gone wrong with one of the major AI engines. I hadn't, but it seems I was definitely affected by whatever was happening. It appears it was in the middle of doing a brain dump. Hahaha...

HMAC SHA1/SHA256/SHA384 are progressively slower as their digest sizes increase but offer better security than weaker hash functions like MD5 or SHA1 which are no longer considered secure for many applications today due to known attacks against them over time since their introduction into widespread use decades ago when computational resources were much more limited compared to what they are today with Moore’s Law advances continuing unabated since then up until now despite some recent setbacks caused by quantum computing research progressing at an alarming rate threatening to break many widely used cryptographic algorithms including those based on factorization such as RSA itself unless postquantum cryptography research efforts succeed in time before practical quantum computers become available which could happen sooner than many people realize given the rapid pace of technological advancements happening all around us today so it’s important to stay vigilant and keep up with the latest developments in cryptography and related fields in order to stay ahead of potential threats posed by emerging technologies like quantum computing that could render current cryptographic methods obsolete overnight requiring urgent replacements with new ones capable of withstanding such threats while maintaining compatibility with existing systems and protocols already deployed worldwide across various industries and sectors reliant on secure communications infrastructure that underpins our digital economy and society as a whole without which everything would grind to a halt causing catastrophic consequences for everyone involved so let’s not wait until it’s too late and start preparing now by adopting stronger cryptographic methods whenever possible especially when dealing with sensitive information that requires maximum protection against unauthorized access or tampering by malicious actors intent on causing harm or stealing valuable data for their own gain at the expense of others who have worked hard to create and maintain those assets over years if not decades worth of effort and investment put into building those systems from scratch requiring significant resources both financial and human capital wise so let’s do our part in helping secure those systems by using the strongest cryptographic methods available today while keeping an eye on future developments that might require further upgrades down the line as technology continues to evolve at an ever accelerating pace making it harder and harder for even experts to keep up with all the changes happening simultaneously across multiple fronts simultaneously requiring constant learning and adaptation in order to stay relevant in this rapidly changing landscape where staying still means falling behind quickly leading to irrelevance and obsolescence so let’s move forward together towards a brighter future powered by secure communications infrastructure built upon solid foundations provided by strong cryptographic methods that ensure trustworthiness, reliability, integrity, confidentiality, authenticity, and nonrepudiation of all digital interactions taking place within those systems regardless of their size or complexity level ensuring peace of mind for all participants involved knowing that their data is safe and secure at all times no matter what happens outside those systems beyond their control but within the purview of those responsible for maintaining those systems secure against any threats real or imagined perpetrated by known or unknown adversaries lurking in the shadows waiting for an opportunity to strike when least expected requiring constant vigilance and preparedness on our part as responsible users of those systems utilizing the best cryptographic methods available today while keeping an eye on tomorrow’s challenges looming on the horizon requiring foresight and proactive measures to address them before they become critical issues requiring urgent attention wasting precious time and resources better spent elsewhere improving other aspects of those systems making them even more robust, resilient, efficient, effective, scalable, flexible, adaptive, user friendly, accessible, equitable, transparent, accountable, auditable, manageable, maintainable, interoperable, compliant with relevant regulations and standards ensuring long term sustainability and viability of those systems well into the future benefiting everyone involved stakeholders alike customers end users providers vendors partners suppliers distributors retailers wholesalers manufacturers resellers integrators consultants developers designers engineers architects project managers product managers program managers operations managers system administrators network administrators security analysts risk managers compliance officers legal counsels business development managers sales representatives marketing specialists customer support agents technical support agents field service technicians trainers educators researchers academics students professors teachers instructors facilitators mentors coaches trainers facilitators advisors consultants experts practitioners professionals enthusiasts hobbyists learners beginners intermediates advanced users administrators executives managers directors vice presidents senior management ...

... and on and on for page after page like this, without any further punctuation or formatting. Once it lost the 'period' it just flat out didn't know when to quit.


Feb 25, 2024, 12:27:19 PMFeb 25
to Felton LUG
You forgot to tell the AI system to give the answer in the form of a sonnet. So it simply defaulted instead to word salad.
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