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Editing Glossary Terms Display

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Charles Aschmann

Jan 12, 2016, 11:07:29 PM1/12/16
to felix-users
Once again, I am posting on behalf of Michael Beijer.

Is there any way to edit the way terms are displayed in the glossary pane? I would like to show them alphabetically. I am actually not sure how they are being displayed currently.

If at all possible, I would also like to make a few more rather more radical changes to the way they are displayed, is this possible somehow? E.g., I'd like to have the numbers and all the little letters ([E], [D], [M]) on the right, and the terms themselves on the left. I'd actually also prefer it if src and trgt were displayed next to each other rather than above each other.

He adds:

PS: Having a great time translating a very large patent (plus litigation) in Felix!

Charles Aschmann

Ryan Ginstrom

Jan 13, 2016, 12:20:13 AM1/13/16
> On Behalf Of Charles Aschmann
> Is there any way to edit the way terms are displayed in the glossary pane? I
> would like to show them alphabetically. I am actually not sure how they are
> being displayed currently.

They are currently displayed by (1) number of uses; (2) length of source term; (3) lexical sort, in that order.

There is currently no way to change this order, but a few people have requested it, so it will be one of the first things I work on the next time I get a chance to develop Felix.

> If at all possible, I would also like to make a few more rather more radical
> changes to the way they are displayed, is this possible somehow? E.g., I'd like
> to have the numbers and all the little letters ([E], [D], [M]) on the right, and the
> terms themselves on the left. I'd actually also prefer it if src and trgt were
> displayed next to each other rather than above each other.

This is possible if you don't mind mucking around with HTML. All of the Felix views are based on HTML templates. The ones for glossary entries (English) are in:

(You should be able to paste this into your explorer path bar and press Enter)

And the files are named "gloss_matches*.txt".
They have very similar content, they are just used in slightly different situations.

I would recommend backing up your files first. :)

Switching the E, D, M links to be on the right is just a matter of moving that column to the bottom of the <tr> tag.

Also be aware that these files are overwritten when you install a new version of Felix, so you need to back up your edited files before upgrading.


Ryan Ginstrom

Jan 13, 2016, 12:23:13 AM1/13/16
> On Behalf Of Charles Aschmann
> Once again, I am posting on behalf of Michael Beijer.

By the way, does anyone have experience with mailing lists other than Google groups? Michael mentioned eMailDodo, ZoHo Discussions, and fleep. Another solution is to create another Google account and create this list again in Google groups. Any preferences?


Gururaj Rao

Jan 13, 2016, 12:26:12 AM1/13/16
Have been running two Yahoo mailing lists since the last 10 years without any problems.


Gururaj Rao

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