Emitting PDB files during compilation

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Garrett Bluma

Mar 8, 2020, 3:39:39 PM3/8/20
to felix-l...@googlegroups.com
For debugging purposes, I'd like to have felix emit .pdb files (debugging symbols) in Windows. This can be done by including the /Zi command line flag to cl.exe.

I've been able to hack this into the compiler by directly editing


to include the flag everywhere, but this should be something that's able to be passed using the --debug argument.

    flx --debug myfile.flx

So my question is this, is there an existing way to propagate that option down to the toolchain? Has this been covered by gcc or another tool?

P.S. I guess I'm back from the long hiatus.

John Skaller2

Mar 8, 2020, 7:58:04 PM3/8/20
to felix google
So the help says:

--debug : put debug symbols in generated binaries

although I don’t know if it works. On Mac the debug symbols live in a separate file.
I have a suspicion Windows does that too. But still, the debug symbols should be emitted!
If the toolchain isn’t doing that as a result of the —debug switch its a bug.

John Skaller

John Skaller2

Mar 8, 2020, 8:37:57 PM3/8/20
to felix google
> So the help says:
> --debug : put debug symbols in generated binaries

Now, looking in src/packages/toolchain.fdoc:

method fun whatami () => "toolchain_gcc_linux (version 2)";
method fun debug_flags () =>list[string] "-g”

and for me:

method fun whatami () => "toolchain_clang_macosx (version 2)";
method fun debug_flags () => list[string] "-g”;

so lets see if it does it. There’s a nice trick:

~/felix>FLX_SHELL_ECHO=1 flx --debug --force hello.flx

[system] "clang++" "-fPIC" "-fvisibility=hidden" "-g" "-c" "-O1” \
"-fno-common" "-fno-strict-aliasing" "-std=c++14" "-w" "-Wfatal-errors” \
"-Wno-return-type-c-linkage" "-Wno-invalid-offsetof" "-O1" "-g” “\
-I/Users/skaller/felix/build/release/share/lib/rtl" "-I/Users/skaller/felix/build/release/host/lib/rtl" "/Users/skaller/.felix/cache/text/Users/skaller/felix/hello.cpp" -o "/Users/skaller/.felix/cache/text/Users/skaller/felix/hello_dynamic.o"

It’s a bit over eager .. the -g is in there twice!


~/felix>FLX_SHELL_ECHO=1 flx --force hello.flx

[system] "clang++" "-fPIC" "-fvisibility=hidden" "-g" "-c" "-O1”\
"-fno-common" "-fno-strict-aliasing" "-std=c++14" "-w" "-Wfatal-errors”\
"-Wno-return-type-c-linkage" "-Wno-invalid-offsetof" "-O1” \
"-I/Users/skaller/felix/build/release/share/lib/rtl" "-I/Users/skaller/felix/build/release/host/lib/rtl" "/Users/skaller/.felix/cache/text/Users/skaller/felix/hello.cpp" -o "/Users/skaller/.felix/cache/text/Users/skaller/felix/hello_dynamic.o”

Its always on :-)

Notice the —debug IS working because without —debug, the second -g flag is not
emitted. Note the confusion here:

~/felix>FLX_SHELL_ECHO=1 flx --force -O2 hello.flx

system] "clang++" "-fPIC" "-fvisibility=hidden" "-g" "-c" "-O1" "-fno-common" "-fno-strict-aliasing" "-std=c++14" "-w" "-Wfatal-errors" "-Wno-return-type-c-linkage" "-Wno-invalid-offsetof" "-O2" "-I/Users/skaller/felix/build/release/share/lib/rtl" "-I/Users/skaller/felix/build/release/host/lib/rtl" "/Users/skaller/.felix/cache/text/Users/skaller/felix/hello.cpp" -o "/Users/skaller/.felix/cache/text/Users/skaller/felix/hello_dynamic.o”

See, there is a -O1 which is standard PLUS a -O2 from the command line. That’s not really right.

The Windows toolchain also understands -O1, -O2 etc, it just translates them using
hackery. Emit debug symbols should be similar.

Note that —debug and the default are -O1 not -O2. Unfortunately a lot of
compilers can’t handle -O2. They have bugs, serious bugs, and, they also
sometimes take quadratic time, and some versions of clang the -O2 generated
code is actually slower than -O1.

John Skaller

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