backlink and SEO

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Outsourcing Partners

Oct 30, 2019, 1:57:03 PM10/30/19
to General Feeds and Syndication
Hello guys, I read a lot about backlinks and still cant understand which links are follow and nofollow and which user generated content links actually work. If there is anyone who is familiar with this topic please let me know. I will now try to post a link here and check with ahrefs whether this user generated link is working and what type of link it appears to be. I am developing small agency for outsourcing services and I am doing the SEO myself. 

rahman tutul

Oct 30, 2019, 2:07:46 PM10/30/19
to General Feeds and Syndication
Brother, I know very well about your theme. And it's obviously true that you know a lot about backlink. But the matter of sorrow that you never achieve backlink from this forum. You just increase your websites historical link, which is harmful to your sites. You did not know about backlink!!!! but you are trying for the backlink. Absurd.

Outsourcing Partners

Oct 30, 2019, 4:36:32 PM10/30/19
to General Feeds and Syndication
Harmful how? Please elaborate, i truly want to learn!
Thanks for the feedback.

Outsourcing Partners

Oct 30, 2019, 4:43:34 PM10/30/19
to General Feeds and Syndication
I just read about fresh and historical backlinks feature on Ahrefs, but it just says that there is a difference between "old" not working backlinks vs "fresh" that are still working.

rahman tutul

Oct 30, 2019, 7:58:10 PM10/30/19
to General Feeds and Syndication
Though you read on (in) ahrefs blog then you know now what R happen really.
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