Permanent Redirection of Feeds

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Jan 26, 2023, 2:53:24 PM1/26/23
to FeedBurner Help Group
It appears that when one deactivates a feed, FeedBurner redirects it with a 302 Found which is a temporary redirect. 

We would like, however, to permanently redirect (301/308) our feeds so that Apple, Google and others will change our feed URLs in their system.

I had hoped that Deleting a feed would do that, but it simply results in a 404.

Is there a way to permanently redirect feeds on the "new" FeedBurner platform? If not, is that being considered?

Brian Walker

Jan 26, 2023, 11:07:52 PM1/26/23
to FeedBurner Help Group
There is no way to currently do this on the new platform. I'll have to look into the amount of work and feasibility of changing this. Although, I can't make any promises to the timeline of any potential changes.


Jan 27, 2023, 12:13:33 AM1/27/23
to FeedBurner Help Group
Thank you! I appreciate your consideration of this. 

For context, if it's not able to be done, then it feels like we'll always have to keep the FeedBurner configuration up for a podcast as it would be difficult to change the URL in all the potential locations. I guess that's alright, but it does create an unnecessary dependency on FeedBurner -- i.e. if your service has any outage, the redirect doesn't work and the feed goes down.

But thanks again. Will wait for any future update.
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