My RSS isn't updating (From Blogspot/Blogger)

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cinabar cinabar

Apr 2, 2023, 9:32:35 AM4/2/23
to FeedBurner Help Group
Hi there

I have a Blogger (Blogspot) blog and the RSS feed goes here:

I blog daily and have does for over 10 years and the feed has been really stable.
This year though it has been stop/start. I could make it work by going to Feedburner and clicking Refresh Feed. This has now stopped and I get the message "Can't force refresh the feed". 

Can anyone advise/help please?
As I said it is hosted at Blogger and I haven't changed any setting as I'm not very technical. 

Many thanks.

Brian Walker

Apr 27, 2023, 3:32:24 PM4/27/23
to FeedBurner Help Group
The errors I'm seeing in the logs is that we are redirected multiple times until we hit a limit on the number of allowed redirects. This is causing the failure to update.
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