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My feed hasn't updated in over a month

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Peter Hodson

Apr 27, 2023, 12:53:26 PM4/27/23
to FeedBurner Help Group
Hi all,

Our podcast feed ( hasn't updated in over a month. I get an 'Error: unknown error' when trying to force a refresh. The source feed on our web server is up to date.

I have tried the following:
1. Validating the feed (it checks out)
2. Trimming whitespace and carriage returns to make the source file < 512kB (this was a longshot given Feedburner is supposed to accept files up to 1MB)
3. Changing all links to the feed and within the feed to https:// (no luck)
4. Removing redirects in the .htaccess file on the server on which the source feed is hosted (no luck, so I put them back)

I have also tried setting up a new proxy to the source feed with limited success. I have been able to set up a proxy on my personal gmail account, but not on the account that hosts the actual proxy. Once the new proxy was set up on my personal account, it also began to exhibit issues refreshing. 

Any help or other ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Matti nescio

Apr 27, 2023, 1:00:02 PM4/27/23
to FeedBurner Help Group
On Thursday, 27 April 2023 at 19:53:26 UTC+3 Peter Hodson wrote:
1. Validating the feed (it checks out)

It has six occurrences of 
<enclosure length="-1"

Most of the entries have
<enclosure length="0" 
, which is valid. 

Peter Hodson

Apr 27, 2023, 2:51:20 PM4/27/23
to FeedBurner Help Group

Apologies, I should have mentioned that I fixed those 6 errors on the source feed and that it's the source feed that I have run through validation that passes.

While I appreciate the response, considering that the link provided that contains those violations is the currently live (and outdated) feedburner feed, that those 6 violations are from episodes long in the past, and that the feed only stopped updating a month ago, I struggle to believe that those 6 violations are the root cause of this issue.

Brian Walker

Apr 27, 2023, 3:25:25 PM4/27/23
to FeedBurner Help Group
The error I'm seeing in the logs is that our attempt to fetch the feed is timing out.  it looks like it has failed to fetch 17 times in a row with an error indicating it is taking too long to fetch the feed. I can't say what would be causing that on your end since I only have the logs from our fetching infrastructure.  If anything has changed recently in terms of caching, server configs, etc. Those would be a good place to start.

Peter Hodson

Apr 27, 2023, 3:29:40 PM4/27/23
to FeedBurner Help Group
Thanks Brian,

To my knowledge, nothing should have changed on the server - I did log in and check to see if there's anything obvious going on, but nothing obvious jumped out at me. I'll take another look. Appreciate the info!

Peter Hodson

Apr 27, 2023, 4:46:14 PM4/27/23
to FeedBurner Help Group
Hi Brian,

I checked the server again and didn't find anything out of the ordinary in any logs. When accessing the feed through a browser, it's loading the document in ~250ms. Is this too long for FeedBurner?

Peter Hodson

Apr 28, 2023, 4:34:39 PM4/28/23
to FeedBurner Help Group
Hi all,

The issue appears to have originated with our domain name registrar which was set up to redirect to the actual server. I set up the proxy to point directly to the web server address and things are back up and running while I work with the DNR to see if they have something in place that's affecting FeedBurner's ability to connect.

Thanks for all of the help and the input!
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