Help with "Trouble at the mill!"

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Miguel García Sánchez - Colomer

Oct 15, 2013, 4:21:45 AM10/15/13
When i try to make changes in my Feed i have this message:

"Trouble at the mill!

FeedBurner encountered some kind of error performing the task or displaying the page you requested. Fear not, this event has notified the appropriate people within FeedBurner and we will have this all ironed out soon.

Our apologies for the temporary inconvenience. If you would like, you can alsocontact us directly about the problem you are seeing."

And i can't make any change. I want to share my last 12 post but i can't. What can i do?

Matti Nescio

Oct 15, 2013, 9:23:13 AM10/15/13
Should be working now ? 

Miguel García Sánchez - Colomer

Oct 15, 2013, 10:07:17 AM10/15/13
Amazing!, thank you very much. Now performs well.

Thank you very much again.

Miguel García Sánchez - Colomer

Oct 15, 2013, 10:24:00 AM10/15/13
One question about the Blogger's feed:

i have seen that in my robots.txt the feed updates my sitemap.xml. I did have problems with the feed and i don't have updated 12 post. With my Blogger's feed configuration in "Full" i have more than 512KB of feed size. I have lowered it to "short" and now it's in 100KB, is it ok to update my sitemap?

best regards and sorry for my english.

Matti Nescio

Oct 15, 2013, 11:27:56 AM10/15/13
You could edit the sitemap feed URL in your robots file to eg. 
(or feeds/posts/summary or feeds/posts/default instead of atom.xml ) 

You could also change the Feedburner Original feed to 
which would allow you to serve the full posts feed elsewhere. 
(like to the sitemap)

Might also want to check and remove  the real reason why your original feed is >512KB. 
(though at a cursory glance, I didn't see any signs of copy&pasting from Word 
or embedded base64 images)

Miguel García Sánchez - Colomer

Oct 15, 2013, 11:40:38 AM10/15/13
i have edited it in FeedBurner with that command: and in Blogger's Feed configuration with "short" and with both configurations with those values i don't have more than 512KB. You have seen it when i have changed it in Blogger to "short", if i set to "Full" with the images and the other data i have the more than 512KB with more than 3 posts... (i have a lot of information in each post with images and other data).

If i have fixed it to "short" in Blogger and in FeedBurner i don't have the 512KB issue, with 100KB, it would be updated my sitemap.xml correctly? (i don't know if with Blogger's Feed it's needed to set it to "Full").

Best regards and many thanks for your patience,

Ravinder Rut

May 30, 2017, 5:22:17 AM5/30/17
to Feed and Web Statistics
I have also facing same problem when i save any change showing same error.

Shreya Mahesh

Oct 9, 2020, 6:46:01 AM10/9/20
to Feed and Web Statistics
Same problem with me as well:

Trouble at the mill!
FeedBurner encountered some kind of error performing the task or displaying the page you requested. Fear not, this event has notified the appropriate people within FeedBurner and we will have this all ironed out soon.

Our apologies for the temporary inconvenience. If you would like, you can also contact us directly about the problem you are seeing.

Please I am requesting you to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance.

Nov 21, 2020, 8:40:28 AM11/21/20
to Feed and Web Statistics
What is this { Help with "Trouble at the mill! )
I do not understand in   FeedBurner   
how to use increage website

Dec 17, 2020, 8:53:59 AM12/17/20
to Feed and Web Statistics
That is not bad at all but I think you need to see the meaning of life before aguing about such a thing - What is important in life
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